name | 5'-sequence | 3'-sequence | length | description |
rank | score | Evalue | region1 | region2 | frame | rank | score | Evalue | region1 | region2 | frame |
ref|XP_009791437.1| | 1 | 341 | 2e-113 | 118-678 | 27-213 | +1 | 10 | 413 | 3e-141 | 119-760 | 145-358 | -2 | 359 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Nicotiana sylvestris]
ref|XP_009611282.1| | 2 | 338 | 2e-112 | 52-678 | 9-213 | +1 | 7 | 415 | 4e-142 | 119-760 | 145-358 | -2 | 359 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Nicotiana tomentosiformis]
ref|XP_006362581.1| | 5 | 332 | 4e-110 | 49-672 | 5-208 | +1 | 2 | 420 | 5e-144 | 119-760 | 142-355 | -2 | 356 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2-like isoform X1 [Solanum tuberosum]
ref|XP_009611291.1| | 3 | 337 | 8e-112 | 124-678 | 27-211 | +1 | 8 | 415 | 5e-142 | 119-760 | 143-356 | -2 | 357 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Nicotiana tomentosiformis]
ref|XP_010317022.1| | 10 | 327 | 6e-108 | 73-672 | 10-208 | +1 | 5 | 417 | 4e-143 | 119-760 | 142-355 | -2 | 356 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Solanum lycopersicum]
ref|XP_009611296.1| | 7 | 328 | 5e-109 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 6 | 414 | 4e-142 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X3 [Nicotiana tomentosiformis] ref|XP_009611303.1| PREDICTED:
ref|XP_009791438.1| | 6 | 330 | 1e-109 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 9 | 412 | 2e-141 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Nicotiana sylvestris] ref|XP_009791439.1| PREDICTED: glut
ref|XP_006362582.1| | 15 | 322 | 3e-106 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 1 | 420 | 2e-144 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2-like isoform X2 [Solanum tuberosum] ref|XP_006362583.1| PREDICTED: gl
ref|XP_010317023.1| | 13 | 323 | 1e-106 | 127-672 | 11-192 | +1 | 3 | 417 | 2e-143 | 119-760 | 126-339 | -2 | 340 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Solanum lycopersicum]
ref|XP_004233235.1| | 28 | 317 | 1e-104 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 4 | 417 | 3e-143 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X3 [Solanum lycopersicum]
ref|XP_002277886.1| | 9 | 327 | 5e-108 | 124-678 | 26-210 | +1 | 11 | 405 | 2e-138 | 119-760 | 142-355 | -2 | 356 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Vitis vinifera]
emb|CBI27161.3| | 17 | 323 | 6e-106 | 133-678 | 75-256 | +1 | 14 | 405 | 2e-137 | 119-760 | 188-401 | -2 | 402 | unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera]
ref|XP_011096799.1| | 12 | 324 | 2e-107 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 13 | 402 | 1e-137 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Sesamum indicum] ref|XP_011096800.1| PREDICTED: glutathione S-transfe
ref|XP_002524149.1| | 4 | 336 | 2e-111 | 118-669 | 29-212 | +1 | 45 | 389 | 5e-132 | 122-760 | 147-359 | -2 | 361 | glutathione transferase, putative [Ricinus communis] gb|EEF38260.1| glutathione transferase, putative [Ricinus communis]
ref|XP_010276184.1| | 14 | 323 | 2e-106 | 112-678 | 11-199 | +1 | 17 | 400 | 1e-136 | 116-760 | 131-345 | -2 | 345 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Nelumbo nucifera]
ref|XP_009376378.1| | 23 | 319 | 2e-105 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 15 | 401 | 5e-137 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Pyrus x bretschneideri]
ref|XP_009353954.1| | 21 | 320 | 1e-105 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 18 | 400 | 1e-136 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Pyrus x bretschneideri]
ref|XP_009376376.1| | 19 | 320 | 1e-105 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 21 | 398 | 5e-136 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Pyrus x bretschneideri]
ref|XP_011000197.1| | 11 | 327 | 8e-108 | 7-675 | 3-212 | +1 | 40 | 391 | 1e-132 | 119-760 | 145-358 | -2 | 359 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Populus euphratica]
gb|KDP30151.1| | 25 | 318 | 4e-105 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 20 | 399 | 3e-136 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | hypothetical protein JCGZ_18112 [Jatropha curcas]
ref|XP_007211586.1| | 26 | 318 | 7e-105 | 142-675 | 1-178 | +1 | 19 | 399 | 2e-136 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa008612mg [Prunus persica] gb|EMJ12785.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa008612mg [Prunus pe
ref|XP_008225822.1| | 30 | 317 | 2e-104 | 142-675 | 1-178 | +1 | 16 | 400 | 1e-136 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Prunus mume] ref|XP_008225823.1| PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase
ref|XP_002322375.2| | 18 | 322 | 7e-106 | 7-672 | 3-211 | +1 | 41 | 390 | 2e-132 | 119-760 | 145-358 | -2 | 359 | hypothetical protein POPTR_0015s15370g [Populus trichocarpa] gb|EEF06502.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0015s15370g [Popu
ref|XP_011000198.1| | 22 | 319 | 2e-105 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 34 | 392 | 2e-133 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Populus euphratica]
ref|XP_007024940.1| | 8 | 328 | 1e-108 | 49-672 | 4-207 | +1 | 71 | 383 | 1e-129 | 116-760 | 141-355 | -2 | 355 | Glutathione S-transferase family protein [Theobroma cacao] gb|EOY27562.1| Glutathione S-transferase family protein [Theo
pdb|4USS|A | 27 | 317 | 1e-104 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 28 | 393 | 5e-134 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | Chain A, Populus Trichocarpa Glutathione Transferase X1-1 (ghr1), Complexed With Glutathione
ref|XP_010109824.1| | 32 | 316 | 4e-104 | 142-675 | 1-178 | +1 | 32 | 392 | 1e-133 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | hypothetical protein L484_018481 [Morus notabilis] gb|EXC24767.1| hypothetical protein L484_018481 [Morus notabilis]
ref|XP_010052596.1| | 31 | 318 | 2e-104 | 121-672 | 35-218 | +1 | 43 | 390 | 3e-132 | 119-760 | 152-365 | -2 | 365 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Eucalyptus grandis] gb|KCW76680.1| hypothetical protein E
gb|EYU43679.1| | 38 | 313 | 8e-103 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 26 | 394 | 3e-134 | 119-757 | 112-324 | -2 | 325 | hypothetical protein MIMGU_mgv1a010010mg [Erythranthe guttata]
ref|XP_004293755.1| | 44 | 309 | 2e-101 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 23 | 397 | 2e-135 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca]
ref|XP_008459044.1| | 16 | 322 | 3e-106 | 124-675 | 5-188 | +1 | 65 | 384 | 5e-130 | 119-760 | 121-334 | -2 | 335 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Cucumis melo]
ref|XP_011460475.1| | 45 | 309 | 4e-101 | 121-675 | 14-198 | +1 | 24 | 396 | 8e-135 | 116-760 | 131-345 | -2 | 345 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca]
ref|XP_010052597.1| | 33 | 315 | 6e-104 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 39 | 390 | 1e-132 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 324 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Eucalyptus grandis] ref|XP_010052598.1| PREDICTED: glutat
emb|CDP11240.1| | 43 | 311 | 1e-101 | 76-678 | 22-218 | +1 | 29 | 394 | 8e-134 | 119-760 | 150-363 | -2 | 364 | unnamed protein product [Coffea canephora]
gb|KCW76681.1| | 34 | 316 | 7e-104 | 139-672 | 19-196 | +1 | 42 | 389 | 3e-132 | 119-760 | 130-343 | -2 | 343 | hypothetical protein EUGRSUZ_D01044 [Eucalyptus grandis]
gb|KHG20252.1| | 36 | 316 | 8e-104 | 118-672 | 23-207 | +1 | 53 | 388 | 1e-131 | 116-760 | 141-355 | -2 | 355 | putative yqjG [Gossypium arboreum]
ref|XP_008459045.1| | 24 | 319 | 2e-105 | 142-675 | 1-178 | +1 | 62 | 384 | 3e-130 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Cucumis melo]
gb|KJB57172.1| | 39 | 315 | 1e-102 | 118-672 | 70-254 | +1 | 60 | 387 | 2e-130 | 116-760 | 188-402 | -2 | 402 | hypothetical protein B456_009G151800, partial [Gossypium raimondii]
ref|XP_006468479.1| | 35 | 316 | 8e-104 | 118-675 | 20-205 | +1 | 67 | 384 | 6e-130 | 116-760 | 138-352 | -2 | 352 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2-like [Citrus sinensis]
ref|XP_004145444.1| | 29 | 317 | 1e-104 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 80 | 380 | 6e-129 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG-like [Cucumis sativus] gb|KGN66874.1| hypothetical protein Csa_1G70
ref|XP_006448709.1| | 37 | 316 | 1e-103 | 118-675 | 20-205 | +1 | 78 | 381 | 6e-129 | 116-760 | 138-352 | -2 | 352 | hypothetical protein CICLE_v10015774mg [Citrus clementina] gb|ESR61949.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10015774mg [Citrus
ref|XP_007024936.1| | 40 | 312 | 1e-102 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 68 | 382 | 8e-130 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | Glutathione S-transferase family protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gb|EOY27558.1| Glutathione S-transferase family pr
ref|XP_007024937.1| | 42 | 311 | 4e-102 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 66 | 383 | 6e-130 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | Glutathione S-transferase family protein isoform 2 [Theobroma cacao] ref|XP_007024938.1| Glutathione S-transferase fami
ref|XP_004157736.1| | 41 | 312 | 2e-102 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 77 | 380 | 6e-129 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG-like [Cucumis sativus]
ref|XP_009421487.1| | 49 | 300 | 7e-98 | 133-678 | 15-195 | +1 | 48 | 389 | 6e-132 | 122-760 | 127-339 | -2 | 341 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis]
ref|XP_010449287.1| | 53 | 300 | 2e-97 | 79-672 | 7-208 | +1 | 46 | 389 | 5e-132 | 119-760 | 142-355 | -2 | 356 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Camelina sativa]
ref|XP_010449286.1| | 55 | 300 | 3e-97 | 127-672 | 28-209 | +1 | 44 | 389 | 4e-132 | 119-760 | 143-356 | -2 | 357 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Camelina sativa]
ref|XP_006605383.1| | 71 | 295 | 2e-95 | 118-675 | 25-210 | +1 | 33 | 393 | 2e-133 | 116-760 | 143-357 | -2 | 357 | PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100813447 isoform X1 [Glycine max]
ref|XP_002277831.1| | 46 | 306 | 1e-99 | 112-678 | 26-214 | +1 | 79 | 382 | 6e-129 | 116-760 | 146-360 | -2 | 360 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Vitis vinifera] ref|XP_010648666.1| PREDICTED: glutathione S-transfer
gb|EPS71606.1| | 64 | 296 | 1e-96 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 35 | 391 | 3e-133 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 324 | hypothetical protein M569_03151, partial [Genlisea aurea]
ref|NP_001240954.1| | 74 | 293 | 5e-95 | 142-675 | 1-178 | +1 | 25 | 394 | 2e-134 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | uncharacterized protein LOC100813447 [Glycine max] ref|XP_006605385.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100813447 i
ref|XP_006605384.1| | 76 | 293 | 6e-95 | 142-675 | 9-186 | +1 | 27 | 394 | 3e-134 | 116-760 | 119-333 | -2 | 333 | PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100813447 isoform X2 [Glycine max]
emb|CDY01617.1| | 61 | 298 | 7e-97 | 124-672 | 27-209 | +1 | 50 | 389 | 6e-132 | 119-760 | 143-356 | -2 | 357 | BnaC07g36070D [Brassica napus]
ref|XP_010434353.1| | 62 | 298 | 8e-97 | 124-672 | 26-208 | +1 | 49 | 389 | 6e-132 | 119-760 | 142-355 | -2 | 356 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Camelina sativa]
ref|XP_010916094.1| | 69 | 296 | 6e-96 | 130-678 | 17-199 | +1 | 38 | 390 | 1e-132 | 122-760 | 131-343 | -2 | 345 | PREDICTED: LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Elaeis guineensis]
ref|XP_010439645.1| | 66 | 297 | 2e-96 | 127-672 | 28-209 | +1 | 47 | 389 | 5e-132 | 119-760 | 143-356 | -2 | 357 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Camelina sativa]
gb|KHN08042.1| | 73 | 293 | 5e-95 | 142-675 | 1-178 | +1 | 30 | 392 | 1e-133 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | Hypothetical protein glysoja_023652 [Glycine soja]
ref|NP_193723.3| | 56 | 300 | 3e-97 | 124-672 | 26-208 | +1 | 56 | 385 | 1e-130 | 119-760 | 142-355 | -2 | 356 | Glutathione S-transferase family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AAN41287.1| unknown protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb
ref|XP_009137021.1| | 68 | 296 | 6e-96 | 124-672 | 26-208 | +1 | 51 | 389 | 7e-132 | 119-760 | 142-355 | -2 | 356 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Brassica rapa]
gb|AAK44087.2|AF370272_1 | 58 | 299 | 3e-97 | 124-672 | 22-204 | +1 | 59 | 385 | 2e-130 | 119-760 | 138-351 | -2 | 352 | unknown protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
emb|CDX98643.1| | 60 | 299 | 6e-97 | 118-672 | 24-208 | +1 | 64 | 385 | 4e-130 | 119-760 | 142-355 | -2 | 356 | BnaA03g44280D [Brassica napus]
ref|XP_003607882.1| | 63 | 298 | 1e-96 | 124-672 | 25-207 | +1 | 61 | 385 | 2e-130 | 116-760 | 141-355 | -2 | 355 | Glutathione S-transferase omega-like protein [Medicago truncatula] gb|AES90079.1| glutathione S-transferase-like protein
gb|KFK28636.1| | 65 | 298 | 2e-96 | 76-672 | 18-208 | +1 | 73 | 383 | 1e-129 | 119-760 | 142-355 | -2 | 356 | hypothetical protein AALP_AA7G025300 [Arabis alpina]
ref|XP_003607884.1| | 67 | 295 | 5e-96 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 55 | 385 | 1e-130 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | Glutathione S-transferase omega-like protein [Medicago truncatula] gb|ABC75353.2| Intracellular chloride channel [Medica
gb|AFK49526.1| | 70 | 295 | 1e-95 | 124-672 | 25-207 | +1 | 63 | 385 | 3e-130 | 116-760 | 141-355 | -2 | 355 | unknown [Medicago truncatula]
gb|AFK33669.1| | 86 | 285 | 4e-92 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 31 | 392 | 1e-133 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | unknown [Lotus japonicus]
gb|AFK37085.1| | 87 | 285 | 4e-92 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 36 | 391 | 4e-133 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | unknown [Lotus japonicus]
ref|XP_003529431.1| | 88 | 285 | 7e-92 | 142-675 | 1-178 | +1 | 37 | 390 | 1e-132 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2-like isoform X1 [Glycine max] ref|XP_006583927.1| PREDICTED: glutathi
ref|XP_002867914.1| | 50 | 302 | 9e-98 | 124-672 | 26-208 | +1 | 105 | 371 | 2e-124 | 119-760 | 142-384 | -2 | 385 | hypothetical protein ARALYDRAFT_329576 [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] gb|EFH44173.1| hypothetical protein ARALYDRAF
ref|XP_010536561.1| | 75 | 294 | 5e-95 | 124-672 | 32-214 | +1 | 88 | 379 | 1e-127 | 119-760 | 148-361 | -2 | 362 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Tarenaya hassleriana]
ref|XP_008784390.1| | 82 | 288 | 4e-93 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 57 | 384 | 1e-130 | 122-760 | 111-323 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Phoenix dactylifera]
ref|NP_001031671.1| | 57 | 300 | 3e-97 | 124-672 | 26-208 | +1 | 103 | 372 | 1e-124 | 119-760 | 142-381 | -2 | 382 | Glutathione S-transferase family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AEE84240.1| Glutathione S-transferase family protein
ref|XP_010536552.1| | 78 | 292 | 4e-94 | 124-672 | 38-220 | +1 | 89 | 379 | 1e-127 | 119-760 | 154-367 | -2 | 368 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Tarenaya hassleriana]
ref|XP_007157783.1| | 81 | 288 | 3e-93 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 75 | 381 | 3e-129 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | hypothetical protein PHAVU_002G098300g [Phaseolus vulgaris] ref|XP_007157784.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_002G098300g [
ref|XP_008356099.1| | 51 | 299 | 1e-97 | 163-672 | 6-175 | +1 | 107 | 368 | 3e-124 | 116-760 | 109-322 | -2 | 322 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Malus domestica] ref|XP_008364228.1| PREDICTED: glutathione S-transfe
ref|NP_199315.1| | 84 | 286 | 1e-92 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 82 | 380 | 1e-128 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | putative glutathione S-transferase [Arabidopsis thaliana] ref|NP_001190472.1| putative glutathione S-transferase [Arab
ref|XP_002865303.1| | 80 | 288 | 3e-93 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 90 | 377 | 1e-127 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | predicted protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] gb|EFH41562.1| predicted protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata]
gb|EEE56850.1| | 95 | 280 | 9e-90 | 130-678 | 36-218 | +1 | 74 | 383 | 2e-129 | 116-760 | 150-364 | -2 | 364 | hypothetical protein OsJ_06467 [Oryza sativa Japonica Group]
ref|XP_006840960.1| | 79 | 290 | 9e-94 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 101 | 373 | 6e-126 | 122-760 | 111-323 | -2 | 325 | hypothetical protein AMTR_s00085p00028580 [Amborella trichopoda] gb|ERN02635.1| hypothetical protein AMTR_s00085p0002858
ref|XP_006413927.1| | 85 | 286 | 2e-92 | 142-672 | 1-175 | +1 | 93 | 376 | 3e-127 | 119-760 | 111-322 | -2 | 323 | hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10027346mg [Eutrema salsugineum] gb|ESQ55380.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10027346mg [Eutr
ref|XP_008371886.1| | 72 | 293 | 4e-95 | 163-675 | 6-176 | +1 | 106 | 368 | 3e-124 | 116-760 | 109-322 | -2 | 322 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Malus domestica]
ref|XP_003572899.1| | 97 | 279 | 3e-89 | 145-678 | 34-211 | +1 | 83 | 380 | 2e-128 | 116-760 | 143-357 | -2 | 357 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Brachypodium distachyon]
ref|NP_001146787.1| | 110 | 275 | 2e-87 | 145-672 | 48-221 | +1 | 70 | 384 | 1e-129 | 116-760 | 155-369 | -2 | 369 | uncharacterized protein LOC100280390 [Zea mays] gb|ACL54750.1| unknown [Zea mays] gb|AFW84077.1| glutathione S-transfera
gb|EEC73026.1| | 100 | 278 | 5e-89 | 130-678 | 36-218 | +1 | 81 | 381 | 1e-128 | 116-760 | 150-364 | -2 | 364 | hypothetical protein OsI_06963 [Oryza sativa Indica Group]
ref|XP_006398148.1| | 90 | 283 | 2e-91 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 94 | 375 | 5e-127 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10000959mg [Eutrema salsugineum] gb|ESQ39601.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10000959mg [Eutr
ref|XP_006648580.1| | 102 | 277 | 2e-88 | 127-678 | 30-213 | +1 | 84 | 380 | 2e-128 | 116-760 | 145-359 | -2 | 359 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2-like [Oryza brachyantha]
gb|EMT26102.1| | 94 | 281 | 5e-90 | 136-678 | 40-220 | +1 | 98 | 376 | 1e-126 | 122-760 | 152-364 | -2 | 366 | hypothetical protein F775_10156 [Aegilops tauschii]
gb|AFW84076.1| | 108 | 274 | 9e-88 | 145-672 | 8-181 | +1 | 69 | 382 | 1e-129 | 116-760 | 115-329 | -2 | 329 | glutathione S-transferase,-like protein [Zea mays]
gb|ACG32999.1| | 109 | 274 | 1e-87 | 145-672 | 3-176 | +1 | 72 | 382 | 1e-129 | 116-760 | 110-324 | -2 | 324 | glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like [Zea mays]
ref|XP_010481666.1| | 107 | 275 | 7e-88 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 76 | 381 | 3e-129 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Camelina sativa]
ref|XP_010494562.1| | 113 | 271 | 1e-86 | 142-672 | 1-175 | +1 | 58 | 384 | 1e-130 | 119-760 | 109-322 | -2 | 323 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Camelina sativa]
ref|XP_010687743.1| | 105 | 276 | 3e-88 | 142-678 | 31-209 | +1 | 87 | 378 | 1e-127 | 119-760 | 141-354 | -2 | 354 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris]
ref|XP_010687744.1| | 103 | 276 | 2e-88 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 85 | 377 | 7e-128 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 324 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris]
dbj|BAD28950.1| | 98 | 278 | 3e-89 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 95 | 375 | 7e-127 | 116-760 | 111-328 | -2 | 328 | putative glutathione transferase [Oryza sativa Japonica Group]
ref|XP_008364227.1| | 99 | 278 | 4e-89 | 163-675 | 6-177 | +1 | 99 | 374 | 2e-126 | 116-760 | 110-323 | -2 | 323 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Malus domestica]
emb|CAN61635.1| | 142 | 267 | 4e-79 | 112-678 | 26-200 | +1 | 109 | 385 | 4e-122 | 116-760 | 132-346 | -2 | 1092 | hypothetical protein VITISV_008456 [Vitis vinifera]
emb|CDP11239.1| | 54 | 298 | 2e-97 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 117 | 353 | 2e-118 | 122-760 | 111-322 | -2 | 322 | unnamed protein product [Coffea canephora]
dbj|BAK00626.1| | 114 | 272 | 2e-86 | 133-678 | 39-220 | +1 | 92 | 378 | 2e-127 | 122-760 | 152-364 | -2 | 366 | predicted protein [Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare]
dbj|BAJ98159.1| | 116 | 270 | 3e-86 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 91 | 377 | 1e-127 | 122-760 | 111-323 | -2 | 325 | predicted protein [Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare]
ref|XP_004952363.1| | 115 | 272 | 2e-86 | 130-678 | 33-215 | +1 | 100 | 375 | 3e-126 | 119-760 | 147-360 | -2 | 361 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2-like [Setaria italica]
gb|AFW84078.1| | 123 | 268 | 8e-85 | 145-672 | 48-227 | +1 | 96 | 377 | 7e-127 | 116-760 | 155-375 | -2 | 375 | hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_427863 [Zea mays]
ref|XP_009123615.1| | 112 | 271 | 1e-86 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 104 | 369 | 2e-124 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Brassica rapa] ref|XP_009123616.1| PREDICTED: glutathione S-transfera
emb|CDY26405.1| | 111 | 272 | 6e-87 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 108 | 366 | 3e-123 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | BnaA02g23650D [Brassica napus]
ref|XP_010056599.1| | 101 | 278 | 1e-88 | 115-669 | 28-212 | +1 | 113 | 359 | 4e-120 | 116-760 | 147-361 | -2 | 364 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Eucalyptus grandis]
gb|KCW73397.1| | 104 | 278 | 3e-88 | 115-669 | 51-235 | +1 | 115 | 359 | 1e-119 | 116-760 | 170-384 | -2 | 387 | hypothetical protein EUGRSUZ_E01874 [Eucalyptus grandis]
emb|CAN61636.1| | 153 | 230 | 1e-70 | 298-678 | 56-182 | +1 | 12 | 404 | 3e-138 | 119-760 | 114-327 | -2 | 328 | hypothetical protein VITISV_008457 [Vitis vinifera]
emb|CDY36711.1| | 117 | 269 | 7e-86 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | 110 | 362 | 1e-121 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 325 | BnaC02g31320D [Brassica napus]
ref|XP_010056601.1| | 118 | 269 | 9e-86 | 142-669 | 1-176 | +1 | 112 | 358 | 3e-120 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 328 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Eucalyptus grandis]
ref|XP_004960463.1| | 124 | 268 | 1e-84 | 136-678 | 46-226 | +1 | 118 | 354 | 6e-118 | 116-760 | 158-372 | -2 | 372 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2-like isoform X1 [Setaria italica]
gb|EMS60101.1| | 138 | 260 | 3e-81 | 136-678 | 37-250 | +1 | 114 | 360 | 4e-120 | 122-760 | 149-394 | -2 | 396 | hypothetical protein TRIUR3_07798 [Triticum urartu]
gb|ABR16967.1| | 130 | 261 | 1e-82 | 166-678 | 1-171 | +1 | 116 | 355 | 3e-119 | 119-760 | 103-316 | -2 | 317 | unknown [Picea sitchensis]
ref|NP_199312.1| | 125 | 266 | 3e-84 | 184-672 | 12-174 | +1 | 120 | 343 | 8e-114 | 116-760 | 108-322 | -2 | 350 | Glutathione S-transferase family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] ref|NP_001119375.1| Glutathione S-transferase family pro
gb|ABK28743.1| | 126 | 266 | 3e-84 | 184-672 | 12-174 | +1 | 121 | 343 | 9e-114 | 116-760 | 108-322 | -2 | 351 | unknown [Arabidopsis thaliana]
ref|XP_006280573.1| | 120 | 270 | 3e-85 | 115-672 | 40-218 | +1 | 126 | 337 | 1e-110 | 119-760 | 152-365 | -2 | 400 | hypothetical protein CARUB_v10026527mg, partial [Capsella rubella] gb|EOA13471.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10026527mg
ref|XP_002865306.1| | 131 | 261 | 4e-82 | 184-672 | 14-176 | +1 | 122 | 342 | 2e-113 | 119-760 | 110-323 | -2 | 352 | predicted protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] gb|EFH41565.1| predicted protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata]
emb|CDY39408.1| | 134 | 259 | 6e-82 | 142-672 | 1-175 | +1 | 124 | 336 | 1e-111 | 119-760 | 109-322 | -2 | 322 | BnaAnng05390D [Brassica napus]
ref|XP_009101628.1| | 140 | 256 | 9e-81 | 142-672 | 1-175 | +1 | 123 | 337 | 4e-112 | 119-760 | 109-322 | -2 | 322 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Brassica rapa]
ref|XP_010494558.1| | 141 | 254 | 4e-79 | 115-672 | 25-207 | +1 | 131 | 330 | 2e-108 | 119-760 | 141-354 | -2 | 389 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Camelina sativa]
ref|XP_010494559.1| | 146 | 250 | 5e-78 | 142-675 | 1-175 | +1 | 129 | 330 | 8e-109 | 119-760 | 108-321 | -2 | 356 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Camelina sativa] ref|XP_010494560.1| PREDICTED: glutathio
gb|AES90080.2| | 165 | 182 | 9e-53 | 355-672 | 6-111 | +1 | 54 | 384 | 2e-131 | 116-760 | 45-259 | -2 | 259 | glutathione S-transferase-like protein [Medicago truncatula]
ref|XP_002963713.1| | 151 | 235 | 2e-72 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 128 | 330 | 2e-109 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_230204 [Selaginella moellendorffii] gb|EFJ35584.1| hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_23020
ref|XP_002963717.1| | 149 | 236 | 4e-73 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 130 | 329 | 9e-109 | 116-760 | 111-325 | -2 | 325 | hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_266696 [Selaginella moellendorffii] gb|EFJ35588.1| hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_26669
ref|XP_002974802.1| | 152 | 235 | 2e-72 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 132 | 325 | 6e-107 | 116-760 | 111-329 | -2 | 329 | hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_101927 [Selaginella moellendorffii] gb|EFJ24322.1| hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_10192
ref|XP_002963715.1| | 150 | 236 | 9e-73 | 142-678 | 2-180 | +1 | 133 | 319 | 2e-104 | 116-760 | 112-349 | -2 | 349 | hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_79804, partial [Selaginella moellendorffii] gb|EFJ35586.1| hypothetical protein SELMODRA
ref|XP_001770460.1| | 154 | 216 | 4e-65 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | 125 | 336 | 2e-111 | 119-760 | 111-324 | -2 | 328 | predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gb|EDQ64629.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens]
emb|CAA19705.1| | 167 | 182 | 2e-52 | 355-672 | 1-106 | +1 | 102 | 369 | 6e-125 | 119-760 | 40-279 | -2 | 280 | putative protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] emb|CAB78990.1| putative protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
ref|XP_002963716.1| | 156 | 205 | 3e-61 | 244-678 | 2-146 | +1 | 127 | 331 | 3e-110 | 116-760 | 78-292 | -2 | 292 | hypothetical protein SELMODRAFT_80092, partial [Selaginella moellendorffii] gb|EFJ35587.1| hypothetical protein SELMODRA
ref|XP_008364230.1| | 189 | 163 | 1e-45 | 400-675 | 1-92 | +1 | 97 | 371 | 1e-126 | 116-760 | 25-238 | -2 | 238 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Malus domestica]
ref|XP_004368004.1| | 164 | 185 | 5e-53 | 130-678 | 2-183 | +1 | 134 | 285 | 1e-91 | 122-760 | 115-327 | -2 | 329 | glutathione Stransferase domain containing protein [Acanthamoeba castellanii str. Neff] gb|ELR25249.1| glutathione Stra
gb|KJE97021.1| | 160 | 193 | 1e-55 | 145-678 | 23-214 | +1 | 152 | 273 | 4e-86 | 116-760 | 146-360 | -2 | 370 | glutathione S-transferase [Capsaspora owczarzaki ATCC 30864]
ref|XP_004343382.2| | 161 | 193 | 2e-55 | 145-678 | 51-242 | +1 | 155 | 273 | 6e-86 | 116-760 | 174-388 | -2 | 398 | glutathione S-transferase [Capsaspora owczarzaki ATCC 30864]
ref|XP_001692860.1| | 158 | 197 | 2e-57 | 145-678 | 8-197 | +1 | 183 | 266 | 5e-84 | 131-760 | 130-338 | -2 | 348 | predicted protein [Chlamydomonas reinhardtii] gb|EDP03429.1| predicted protein [Chlamydomonas reinhardtii]
ref|XP_005706780.1| | 172 | 174 | 2e-48 | 124-678 | 35-212 | +1 | 137 | 281 | 2e-89 | 128-757 | 145-354 | -2 | 358 | putative glutathione S-transferase isoform 1 [Galdieria sulphuraria] gb|EME30260.1| putative glutathione S-transferase i
ref|XP_005645153.1| | 169 | 175 | 8e-49 | 142-678 | 2-209 | +1 | 142 | 276 | 2e-87 | 119-757 | 138-361 | -2 | 366 | hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_18474 [Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169] gb|EIE20609.1| hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_1
ref|XP_005849485.1| | 166 | 185 | 1e-52 | 157-672 | 20-201 | +1 | 186 | 266 | 9e-84 | 125-757 | 137-348 | -2 | 354 | hypothetical protein CHLNCDRAFT_142785 [Chlorella variabilis] gb|EFN57383.1| hypothetical protein CHLNCDRAFT_142785 [Chl
ref|XP_009535594.1| | 170 | 174 | 9e-49 | 142-678 | 1-193 | +1 | 141 | 276 | 1e-87 | 122-757 | 128-337 | -2 | 345 | hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_525297 [Phytophthora sojae] gb|EGZ08961.1| hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_525297 [Phyto
ref|XP_005706781.1| | 173 | 174 | 2e-48 | 124-678 | 35-212 | +1 | 162 | 271 | 2e-85 | 128-757 | 145-369 | -2 | 373 | putative glutathione S-transferase isoform 2 [Galdieria sulphuraria] gb|EME30261.1| putative glutathione S-transferase i
ref|XP_005835055.1| | 168 | 180 | 4e-51 | 151-678 | 11-197 | +1 | 204 | 264 | 4e-83 | 119-760 | 130-342 | -2 | 344 | hypothetical protein GUITHDRAFT_69037 [Guillardia theta CCMP2712] gb|EKX48075.1| hypothetical protein GUITHDRAFT_69037 [
gb|ETI41482.1| | 180 | 170 | 4e-47 | 142-678 | 1-193 | +1 | 150 | 272 | 3e-86 | 119-757 | 128-338 | -2 | 345 | hypothetical protein F443_13285 [Phytophthora parasitica P1569] gb|ETM41436.1| hypothetical protein L914_12788 [Phytopht
ref|WP_008945050.1| | 177 | 169 | 3e-47 | 160-678 | 15-171 | +1 | 203 | 263 | 3e-83 | 122-751 | 106-315 | -2 | 319 | glutathione S-transferase [Oceanibaculum indicum] gb|EKE73889.1| putative glutathione S-transferase [Oceanibaculum indic
ref|XP_008356140.1| | | | | | | | 22 | 395 | 1e-135 | 116-760 | 57-271 | -2 | 271 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Malus domestica]
ref|XP_003607883.1| | | | | | | | 52 | 384 | 1e-131 | 116-760 | 25-239 | -2 | 239 | Glutathione S-transferase omega-like protein [Medicago truncatula]
gb|AAY17565.1| | | | | | | | 86 | 374 | 1e-127 | 119-760 | 27-240 | -2 | 241 | glutathione transferase [Noccaea caerulescens]
ref|XP_006448711.1| | | | | | | | 111 | 356 | 8e-121 | 116-760 | 29-241 | -2 | 241 | hypothetical protein CICLE_v10017875mg, partial [Citrus clementina] gb|ESR61951.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10017875m
ref|NP_001119376.1| | | | | | | | 119 | 343 | 3e-115 | 116-760 | 25-239 | -2 | 267 | Glutathione S-transferase family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AED95186.1| Glutathione S-transferase family protein
gb|KDO77383.1| | 20 | 316 | 1e-105 | 118-675 | 20-205 | +1 | | | | | | | 232 | hypothetical protein CISIN_1g0196392mg, partial [Citrus sinensis]
ref|NP_001031672.1| | 48 | 300 | 4e-98 | 124-672 | 26-208 | +1 | | | | | | | 313 | Glutathione S-transferase family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gb|AEE84241.1| Glutathione S-transferase family protein
ref|XP_006284204.1| | 47 | 298 | 3e-98 | 118-672 | 26-210 | +1 | | | | | | | 246 | hypothetical protein CARUB_v10005359mg [Capsella rubella] gb|EOA17102.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10005359mg [Capsell
ref|XP_006284205.1| | 52 | 298 | 2e-97 | 118-672 | 26-210 | +1 | | | | | | | 300 | hypothetical protein CARUB_v10005359mg [Capsella rubella] gb|EOA17103.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10005359mg [Capsell
ref|XP_009137022.1| | 59 | 298 | 4e-97 | 124-672 | 26-208 | +1 | | | | | | | 313 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Brassica rapa]
ref|XP_008784391.1| | 77 | 291 | 2e-94 | 142-678 | 1-179 | +1 | | | | | | | 311 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Phoenix dactylifera]
ref|XP_006583931.1| | 83 | 285 | 5e-93 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | | | | | | | 263 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2-like isoform X6 [Glycine max]
ref|XP_009519026.1| | | | | | | | 138 | 284 | 3e-89 | 110-757 | 247-460 | -2 | 468 | hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_344519 [Phytophthora sojae] gb|EGZ23738.1| hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_344519 [Phyto
emb|CCI39698.1| | | | | | | | 135 | 283 | 1e-90 | 116-757 | 132-344 | -2 | 348 | unnamed protein product [Albugo candida]
ref|XP_006280977.1| | 89 | 281 | 1e-91 | 142-672 | 1-177 | +1 | | | | | | | 258 | hypothetical protein CARUB_v10026977mg [Capsella rubella] gb|EOA13875.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10026977mg [Capsell
ref|XP_003728137.1| | | | | | | | 136 | 281 | 2e-89 | 128-757 | 140-352 | -2 | 357 | PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein yqjG-like [Strongylocentrotus purpuratus]
ref|XP_010041566.1| | 91 | 280 | 1e-90 | 115-669 | 28-212 | +1 | | | | | | | 285 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Eucalyptus grandis]
gb|KCW44263.1| | 92 | 280 | 3e-90 | 115-669 | 51-235 | +1 | | | | | | | 308 | hypothetical protein EUGRSUZ_L02304 [Eucalyptus grandis]
ref|XP_010234162.1| | 93 | 280 | 4e-90 | 145-678 | 34-211 | +1 | | | | | | | 314 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X2 [Brachypodium distachyon]
ref|XP_002612609.1| | | | | | | | 139 | 279 | 4e-89 | 119-757 | 119-334 | -2 | 336 | hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_122160 [Branchiostoma floridae] gb|EEN68618.1| hypothetical protein BRAFLDRAFT_122160 [B
gb|KCW73398.1| | 96 | 278 | 2e-89 | 115-669 | 51-235 | +1 | | | | | | | 308 | hypothetical protein EUGRSUZ_E01874 [Eucalyptus grandis]
ref|XP_003290028.1| | | | | | | | 140 | 276 | 4e-88 | 119-760 | 109-323 | -2 | 323 | hypothetical protein DICPUDRAFT_88765 [Dictyostelium purpureum] gb|EGC33457.1| hypothetical protein DICPUDRAFT_88765 [Di
ref|XP_010041565.1| | 106 | 273 | 5e-88 | 115-669 | 28-218 | +1 | | | | | | | 291 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X1 [Eucalyptus grandis]
ref|XP_011417911.1| | | | | | | | 143 | 273 | 5e-87 | 125-757 | 112-325 | -2 | 327 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Crassostrea gigas] ref|XP_011417912.1| PREDICTED: glutathione S-tran
ref|WP_029929164.1| | | | | | | | 144 | 273 | 5e-87 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 328 | MULTISPECIES: hypothetical protein [Ochrobactrum] gb|EXL08312.1| hypothetical protein BG46_02020 [Ochrobactrum anthropi]
ref|WP_007876057.1| | | | | | | | 145 | 273 | 7e-87 | 119-757 | 115-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Ochrobactrum sp. CDB2] gb|EMG54024.1| glutathione S-transferase [Ochrobactrum sp. CDB2]
ref|WP_021586987.1| | | | | | | | 146 | 273 | 1e-86 | 122-751 | 117-325 | -2 | 333 | MULTISPECIES: glutathione S-transferase [Ochrobactrum] gb|ERI13945.1| glutathione S-transferase [Ochrobactrum sp. EGD-AQ
ref|XP_008892153.1| | | | | | | | 147 | 273 | 1e-86 | 122-757 | 128-341 | -2 | 354 | hypothetical protein PPTG_02671 [Phytophthora parasitica INRA-310] gb|ETK89510.1| hypothetical protein L915_06442 [Phyto
ref|WP_006467356.1| | | | | | | | 148 | 273 | 1e-86 | 122-751 | 117-325 | -2 | 333 | glutathione S-transferase [Ochrobactrum intermedium] gb|EEQ96279.1| glutathione S-transferase [Ochrobactrum intermedium
ref|WP_043062486.1| | | | | | | | 149 | 272 | 2e-86 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 328 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Ochrobactrum anthropi] gb|KIU67995.1| glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG
ref|XP_002999151.1| | | | | | | | 151 | 272 | 3e-86 | 122-757 | 128-341 | -2 | 354 | glutathione S-transferase omega-like protein [Phytophthora infestans T30-4] gb|EEY69297.1| glutathione S-transferase om
ref|WP_040129151.1| | | | | | | | 153 | 271 | 5e-86 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 328 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Ochrobactrum anthropi] gb|AIK45095.1| hypothetical protein DR92_1088 [Ochrobac
ref|XP_009535593.1| | | | | | | | 154 | 271 | 5e-86 | 119-757 | 108-318 | -2 | 325 | hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_525331 [Phytophthora sojae] gb|EGZ08960.1| hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_525331 [Phyto
ref|WP_012091645.1| | | | | | | | 156 | 271 | 6e-86 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 328 | glutathione S-transferase [Ochrobactrum anthropi] gb|ABS14320.1| putative glutathione S-transferase [Ochrobactrum anthro
gb|ETI49827.1| | | | | | | | 157 | 271 | 9e-86 | 122-757 | 128-341 | -2 | 354 | hypothetical protein F443_06568 [Phytophthora parasitica P1569]
ref|WP_010659589.1| | | | | | | | 158 | 270 | 1e-85 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 328 | glutathione S-transferase [Ochrobactrum anthropi]
ref|WP_006277388.1| | | | | | | | 159 | 270 | 1e-85 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | hypothetical protein [Brucella suis] gb|ENR17107.1| hypothetical protein C064_01434 [Brucella suis 63/252] gb|KEX98549.1
ref|WP_004691034.1| | | | | | | | 160 | 270 | 1e-85 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | MULTISPECIES: glutathione S-transferase [Brucella] gb|AAN30467.1| glutathione S-transferase domain protein [Brucella sui
ref|WP_019672438.1| | | | | | | | 161 | 270 | 2e-85 | 119-757 | 115-327 | -2 | 328 | glutathione S-transferase [Psychrobacter lutiphocae]
ref|WP_002964665.1| | | | | | | | 164 | 269 | 2e-85 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Brucella abortus] gb|EEX62207.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Brucella abortus bv. 6 str.
ref|WP_002966920.1| | | | | | | | 165 | 269 | 3e-85 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | MULTISPECIES: glutathione S-transferase [Brucella] gb|AAX74877.1| glutathione S-transferase domain protein [Brucella abo
ref|WP_008934304.1| | | | | | | | 166 | 268 | 5e-85 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Brucella sp. NVSL 07-0026] gb|EFG38467.1| glutathione S-transferase [Brucella sp. NVSL 07-002
ref|WP_006071238.1| | | | | | | | 167 | 268 | 7e-85 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Brucella suis] gb|ABY38648.1| glutathione S-transferase [Brucella suis ATCC 23445] gb|ENR2341
ref|WP_008506969.1| | | | | | | | 168 | 268 | 9e-85 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Brucella inopinata] gb|EFM56927.1| glutathione S-transferase [Brucella inopinata BO1] gb|KEY0
ref|XP_008666884.1| | 119 | 267 | 3e-85 | 145-672 | 3-176 | +1 | | | | | | | 302 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Zea mays]
ref|WP_006199458.1| | | | | | | | 169 | 267 | 1e-84 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | hypothetical protein [Brucella suis] gb|ENT44784.1| hypothetical protein B969_01811 [Brucella suis F5/05-4]
ref|WP_006174545.1| | | | | | | | 172 | 267 | 1e-84 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | MULTISPECIES: glutathione S-transferase [Brucella] ref|YP_008842104.1| putative glutathione S-transferase [Brucella ceti
ref|XP_008664347.1| | 121 | 266 | 3e-85 | 145-672 | 3-185 | +1 | | | | | | | 281 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Zea mays]
ref|WP_019443350.1| | | | | | | | 173 | 266 | 2e-84 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Brucella abortus]
ref|WP_006261428.1| | | | | | | | 174 | 266 | 2e-84 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | hypothetical protein [Brucella melitensis] gb|ENQ82788.1| hypothetical protein C091_00690 [Brucella melitensis F2/06-6]
ref|WP_022710106.1| | | | | | | | 175 | 266 | 2e-84 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 326 | glutathione S-transferase [Pseudochrobactrum sp. AO18b]
ref|WP_009365169.1| | | | | | | | 176 | 266 | 3e-84 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Brucella sp. BO2] gb|EFM58251.1| glutathione S-transferase [Brucella sp. BO2]
ref|WP_006013337.1| | | | | | | | 177 | 266 | 3e-84 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Brucella ovis] gb|ABQ61632.1| glutathione S-transferase domain protein [Brucella ovis ATCC 2
ref|WP_006137056.1| | | | | | | | 178 | 266 | 3e-84 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | hypothetical protein [Brucella melitensis] gb|ENS58060.1| hypothetical protein C036_00598 [Brucella melitensis F1/06 B10
ref|WP_004686335.1| | | | | | | | 179 | 266 | 3e-84 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Brucella melitensis] gb|ACO01318.1| glutathione S-transferase [Brucella melitensis ATCC 23457
ref|WP_008936159.1| | | | | | | | 180 | 266 | 4e-84 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | MULTISPECIES: glutathione S-transferase [Brucella] gb|EEZ33455.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Brucella sp. 83/13] gb
ref|WP_028461995.1| | | | | | | | 184 | 266 | 6e-84 | 125-757 | 115-324 | -2 | 329 | hypothetical protein [Nitrosomonas cryotolerans]
ref|XP_010041567.1| | 122 | 265 | 5e-85 | 142-669 | 1-182 | +1 | | | | | | | 255 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 isoform X3 [Eucalyptus grandis] ref|XP_010041568.1| PREDICTED: glutat
ref|XP_008894241.1| | | | | | | | 170 | 265 | 1e-84 | 119-757 | 52-262 | -2 | 270 | hypothetical protein PPTG_03314 [Phytophthora parasitica INRA-310] gb|ETK81520.1| hypothetical protein L915_12983 [Phyto
gb|ETL88175.1| | | | | | | | 171 | 265 | 1e-84 | 119-757 | 52-262 | -2 | 270 | hypothetical protein L917_12722 [Phytophthora parasitica]
ref|WP_024899398.1| | | | | | | | 187 | 265 | 9e-84 | 119-757 | 115-326 | -2 | 327 | hypothetical protein [Ochrobactrum rhizosphaerae]
gb|ETM41437.1| | | | | | | | 188 | 265 | 1e-83 | 119-757 | 127-337 | -2 | 345 | hypothetical protein L914_12789 [Phytophthora parasitica] gb|ETP39369.1| hypothetical protein F442_13156 [Phytophthora p
gb|ETL34931.1| | | | | | | | 189 | 265 | 1e-83 | 119-757 | 127-337 | -2 | 345 | hypothetical protein L916_12885 [Phytophthora parasitica]
ref|WP_028869481.1| | | | | | | | 190 | 265 | 1e-83 | 119-757 | 115-326 | -2 | 326 | hypothetical protein [Psychromonas arctica]
ref|WP_036479376.1| | | | | | | | 191 | 265 | 1e-83 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 329 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Nitratireductor basaltis] gb|KFB09457.1| Glutathione S-transferase [Nitratired
ref|XP_008891740.1| | | | | | | | 192 | 265 | 2e-83 | 119-757 | 127-341 | -2 | 349 | hypothetical protein PPTG_02418 [Phytophthora parasitica INRA-310] gb|ETI50051.1| hypothetical protein F443_06300 [Phyto
ref|XP_002504106.1| | | | | | | | 193 | 265 | 2e-83 | 116-757 | 130-345 | -2 | 347 | predicted protein [Micromonas sp. RCC299] gb|ACO65364.1| predicted protein [Micromonas sp. RCC299]
ref|WP_024849846.1| | | | | | | | 194 | 264 | 2e-83 | 116-757 | 115-327 | -2 | 329 | hypothetical protein [Aminobacter sp. J41]
ref|WP_004684084.1| | | | | | | | 195 | 264 | 2e-83 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | MULTISPECIES: glutathione S-transferase [Brucella] gb|AAL51636.1| putative transferase [Brucella melitensis bv. 1 str. 1
ref|WP_008734606.1| | | | | | | | 196 | 264 | 3e-83 | 122-751 | 118-326 | -2 | 326 | hypothetical protein [Alcanivorax pacificus] gb|AJD50018.1| putative glutathione S-transferase [Alcanivorax pacificus W1
ref|WP_032690621.1| | | | | | | | 197 | 264 | 3e-83 | 122-751 | 118-326 | -2 | 328 | MULTISPECIES: glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Raoultella] gb|KAJ93333.1| hypothetical protein DF41_01285 [Raou
ref|WP_032697462.1| | | | | | | | 198 | 264 | 3e-83 | 122-751 | 118-326 | -2 | 328 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Raoultella planticola]
ref|WP_004685798.1| | | | | | | | 199 | 264 | 3e-83 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Brucella melitensis] gb|EEZ12354.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Brucella melitensis bv. 3
ref|WP_006144331.1| | | | | | | | 200 | 264 | 3e-83 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 327 | hypothetical protein [Brucella melitensis] gb|ENQ97683.1| hypothetical protein C048_00643 [Brucella melitensis UK19/04]
ref|WP_037239995.1| | | | | | | | 202 | 264 | 3e-83 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 332 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Rhodomicrobium udaipurense] gb|KAI93876.1| hypothetical protein T281_14070 [Rh
ref|WP_013651901.1| | | | | | | | 201 | 263 | 3e-83 | 116-757 | 110-322 | -2 | 322 | glutathione S-transferase [Polymorphum gilvum] gb|ADZ69584.1| Glutathione S-transferase domain-containing protein [Polym
ref|WP_019977314.1| | | | | | | | 205 | 263 | 5e-83 | 119-751 | 117-326 | -2 | 326 | glutathione S-transferase [alpha proteobacterium SCGC AAA300-J04]
ref|WP_011960324.1| | | | | | | | 206 | 263 | 6e-83 | 119-757 | 115-327 | -2 | 328 | glutathione S-transferase [Psychrobacter sp. PRwf-1] gb|ABQ94010.1| glutathione S-transferase-like protein [Psychrobacte
ref|WP_021057520.1| | | | | | | | 207 | 263 | 7e-83 | 122-757 | 104-312 | -2 | 329 | putative glutathione S-transferase [Haloquadratum sp. J07HQX50] gb|ERG99501.1| putative glutathione S-transferase [Haloq
ref|WP_015369568.1| | | | | | | | 208 | 263 | 7e-83 | 119-751 | 118-327 | -2 | 328 | Glutathione S-transferase, omega [Enterobacter aerogenes] emb|CCG33181.1| Glutathione S-transferase, omega (EC
ref|WP_044346702.1| | | | | | | | 209 | 263 | 7e-83 | 122-751 | 118-326 | -2 | 328 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Raoultella ornithinolytica] gb|KIZ46760.1| glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase
ref|WP_020077868.1| | | | | | | | 210 | 263 | 8e-83 | 119-751 | 118-327 | -2 | 328 | hypothetical protein [Enterobacter aerogenes] gb|EUL51298.1| glutathione S-transferase [Enterobacter aerogenes UCI 45] g
ref|WP_015703572.1| | | | | | | | 211 | 263 | 8e-83 | 119-751 | 118-327 | -2 | 328 | hypothetical protein [Enterobacter aerogenes] ref|YP_004591019.1| glutathione transferase [Enterobacter aerogenes KCTC 2
ref|WP_009160231.1| | | | | | | | 213 | 263 | 9e-83 | 119-757 | 115-326 | -2 | 326 | glutathione S-transferase [Thalassobium sp. R2A62] gb|EET49175.1| glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal domain protein [
gb|ELU13992.1| | | | | | | | 214 | 263 | 1e-82 | 119-757 | 117-332 | -2 | 333 | hypothetical protein CAPTEDRAFT_177545 [Capitella teleta]
gb|ETI41483.1| | | | | | | | 181 | 262 | 4e-84 | 119-712 | 5-201 | -2 | 209 | hypothetical protein F443_13286 [Phytophthora parasitica P1569]
gb|KJF91518.1| | | | | | | | 182 | 262 | 5e-84 | 122-751 | 17-225 | -2 | 227 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG, partial [Raoultella planticola]
gb|ABK58618.1| | | | | | | | 212 | 262 | 8e-83 | 122-760 | 109-320 | -2 | 322 | putative glutathione S-transferase [Azoarcus anaerobius]
ref|WP_006157945.1| | | | | | | | 215 | 262 | 1e-82 | 116-757 | 115-327 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Cupriavidus basilensis] gb|EHP42960.1| glutathione S-transferase [Cupriavidus basilensis OR16
ref|WP_038638845.1| | | | | | | | 216 | 262 | 1e-82 | 128-751 | 118-324 | -2 | 328 | MULTISPECIES: glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Yersinia] gb|AIN18156.1| hypothetical protein DJ57_3884 [Yersini
ref|WP_004867958.1| | | | | | | | 217 | 262 | 1e-82 | 122-751 | 118-326 | -2 | 328 | MULTISPECIES: hypothetical protein [Enterobacteriaceae] gb|EHT05544.1| hypothetical protein HMPREF9690_04259 [Klebsiella
ref|WP_026868663.1| | | | | | | | 218 | 262 | 1e-82 | 122-760 | 114-325 | -2 | 329 | hypothetical protein [Inquilinus limosus]
ref|WP_013419262.1| | | | | | | | 219 | 262 | 1e-82 | 119-757 | 115-326 | -2 | 332 | glutathione S-transferase [Rhodomicrobium vannielii] gb|ADP70866.1| Glutathione transferase [Rhodomicrobium vannielii AT
ref|WP_027233456.1| | | | | | | | 220 | 262 | 1e-82 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 331 | hypothetical protein [Phyllobacterium sp. UNC302MFCol5.2]
ref|WP_015155579.1| | | | | | | | 221 | 262 | 1e-82 | 116-751 | 112-322 | -2 | 326 | glutathione transferase [Chroococcidiopsis thermalis] gb|AFY89034.1| Glutathione transferase [Chroococcidiopsis thermali
ref|WP_024587476.1| | | | | | | | 222 | 262 | 1e-82 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 329 | hypothetical protein [Aliihoeflea sp. 2WW]
ref|WP_007393365.1| | | | | | | | 223 | 262 | 2e-82 | 119-751 | 117-327 | -2 | 328 | glutathione S-transferase [Psychrobacter sp. 1501(2011)] gb|EGK15510.1| glutathione S-transferase [Psychrobacter sp. 150
ref|XP_009062048.1| | | | | | | | 224 | 262 | 2e-82 | 122-757 | 117-331 | -2 | 331 | hypothetical protein LOTGIDRAFT_107347 [Lottia gigantea] gb|ESO87095.1| hypothetical protein LOTGIDRAFT_107347 [Lottia g
ref|WP_042640336.1| | | | | | | | 225 | 262 | 2e-82 | 122-757 | 114-324 | -2 | 328 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Mesorhizobium sp. ORS3359] emb|CDX32381.1| S-transferase [Mesorhizobium sp. OR
ref|WP_036104773.1| | | | | | | | 226 | 262 | 2e-82 | 128-751 | 118-324 | -2 | 329 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Mangrovibacter sp. MFB070] gb|KEA53721.1| hypothetical protein DT73_05110 [Ma
ref|WP_040996992.1| | | | | | | | 227 | 262 | 2e-82 | 122-757 | 114-324 | -2 | 328 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Mesorhizobium sp. SOD10] emb|CDX31685.1| S-transferase [Mesorhizobium sp. SOD1
ref|WP_040971864.1| | | | | | | | 228 | 262 | 2e-82 | 122-757 | 114-324 | -2 | 328 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Mesorhizobium sp. ORS3324] emb|CDX18512.1| S-transferase [Mesorhizobium sp. OR
tpg|DAA54083.1| | 129 | 261 | 1e-82 | 145-672 | 8-181 | +1 | | | | | | | 334 | TPA: hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_310004 [Zea mays]
ref|WP_008966396.1| | | | | | | | 229 | 261 | 2e-82 | 119-757 | 115-326 | -2 | 328 | glutathione S-transferase [Bradyrhizobium sp. STM 3809] emb|CCE03856.1| putative glutathione S-transferase with thioredo
ref|XP_002896534.1| | | | | | | | 230 | 261 | 2e-82 | 119-757 | 108-315 | -2 | 323 | glutathione S-transferase, putative [Phytophthora infestans T30-4] gb|EEY67082.1| glutathione S-transferase, putative [P
emb|CCQ38953.1| | | | | | | | 231 | 261 | 2e-82 | 128-751 | 118-324 | -2 | 328 | conserved hypothetical protein [Yersinia enterocolitica (type O:5) str. YE53/03]
ref|WP_008124330.1| | | | | | | | 232 | 261 | 2e-82 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 328 | glutathione S-transferase [Phyllobacterium sp. YR531] gb|EJN04409.1| putative glutathione S-transferase [Phyllobacterium
ref|WP_016534664.1| | | | | | | | 233 | 261 | 3e-82 | 128-751 | 118-324 | -2 | 330 | glutathione S-transferase protein [Cedecea davisae] gb|EPF20580.1| glutathione S-transferase protein [Cedecea davisae DS
ref|WP_039714141.1| | | | | | | | 234 | 261 | 3e-82 | 116-751 | 112-322 | -2 | 326 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Scytonema millei] gb|KIF21853.1| glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Scy
ref|WP_027056930.1| | | | | | | | 235 | 261 | 4e-82 | 116-757 | 115-327 | -2 | 327 | hypothetical protein [Mesorhizobium loti]
ref|WP_044734339.1| | | | | | | | 237 | 261 | 4e-82 | 122-751 | 127-335 | -2 | 336 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Shewanella algae]
ref|WP_039036158.1| | | | | | | | 238 | 261 | 4e-82 | 122-751 | 126-334 | -2 | 335 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Shewanella sp. ECSMB14102]
ref|WP_006520204.1| | | | | | | | 239 | 261 | 5e-82 | 119-757 | 115-326 | -2 | 328 | putative glutathione S-transferase [Leptolyngbya sp. PCC 7375] gb|EKU99085.1| putative glutathione S-transferase [Leptol
ref|WP_006940057.1| | | | | | | | 240 | 261 | 5e-82 | 122-748 | 113-320 | -2 | 324 | glutathione S-transferase [Labrenzia aggregata] gb|EAV40399.1| hypothetical protein SIAM614_21255 [Stappia aggregata IAM
ref|WP_019557660.1| | | | | | | | 241 | 261 | 5e-82 | 122-757 | 116-326 | -2 | 330 | hypothetical protein [Thiomicrospira arctica]
ref|WP_023137408.1| | | | | | | | 242 | 261 | 5e-82 | 128-751 | 118-324 | -2 | 328 | glutathione S-transferase [Salmonella enterica] gb|ESB62760.1| glutathione S-transferase [Salmonella enterica subsp. ent
ref|XP_008673892.1| | 127 | 260 | 4e-84 | 145-672 | 3-176 | +1 | | | | | | | 197 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2, partial [Zea mays]
ref|XP_637828.1| | | | | | | | 243 | 260 | 5e-82 | 122-757 | 112-324 | -2 | 324 | hypothetical protein DDB_G0286341 [Dictyostelium discoideum AX4] gb|EAL64346.1| hypothetical protein DDB_G0286341 [Dicty
ref|WP_017016711.1| | | | | | | | 244 | 260 | 6e-82 | 119-757 | 115-326 | -2 | 327 | glutathione S-transferase [Enterovibrio calviensis]
ref|WP_027855877.1| | | | | | | | 246 | 260 | 6e-82 | 122-757 | 116-326 | -2 | 332 | hypothetical protein [Marinobacterium jannaschii]
ref|WP_036001966.1| | | | | | | | 247 | 260 | 7e-82 | 122-757 | 115-325 | -2 | 326 | glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Burkholderia caribensis] gb|ETY84365.2| Glutathione S-transferase, omega [Burk
ref|WP_019082239.1| | | | | | | | 248 | 260 | 8e-82 | 128-751 | 118-324 | -2 | 328 | hypothetical protein [Yersinia enterocolitica]
ref|WP_028859830.1| | | | | | | | 249 | 260 | 1e-81 | 116-751 | 117-328 | -2 | 328 | hypothetical protein [Psychrobacter phenylpyruvicus]
ref|WP_000531158.1| | | | | | | | 250 | 260 | 1e-81 | | | | 328 | hypothetical protein [Salmonella enterica] gb|EFY10577.1| putative glutathione S-transferase [Salmonella enterica subsp.
tpg|DAA54635.1| | 133 | 259 | 5e-82 | 124-672 | 1-181 | +1 | | | | | | | 318 | TPA: hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_290779 [Zea mays]
gb|AFW77550.1| | 135 | 259 | 1e-81 | 145-672 | 8-181 | +1 | | | | | | | 340 | hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_627547 [Zea mays]
ref|XP_002863527.1| | | | | | | | 185 | 259 | 7e-84 | 119-544 | 5-146 | -2 | 147 | hypothetical protein ARALYDRAFT_356549 [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] gb|EFH39786.1| hypothetical protein ARALYDRAF
ref|XP_008675898.1| | 128 | 258 | 6e-83 | 145-672 | 3-176 | +1 | | | | | | | 207 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2, partial [Zea mays]
gb|AHS48779.1| | | | | | | | 245 | 258 | 6e-82 | 128-751 | 32-238 | -2 | 242 | hypothetical protein AV47_21650 [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis str. EC20120994]
ref|XP_008650596.1| | 136 | 257 | 2e-81 | 145-672 | 3-176 | +1 | | | | | | | 303 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Zea mays]
tpg|DAA54636.1| | 139 | 257 | 4e-81 | 124-672 | 1-181 | +1 | | | | | | | 318 | TPA: hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_146485 [Zea mays]
ref|WP_024152786.1| | | | | | | | 236 | 257 | 4e-82 | 128-751 | 17-223 | -2 | 227 | hypothetical protein, partial [Salmonella enterica]
ref|XP_008675900.1| | 132 | 255 | 4e-82 | 145-672 | 3-176 | +1 | | | | | | | 203 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2, partial [Zea mays]
tpg|DAA51658.1| | 147 | 253 | 3e-76 | 145-672 | 3-200 | +1 | | | | | | | 640 | TPA: hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_870831 [Zea mays]
ref|XP_008664976.1| | 137 | 252 | 3e-81 | 142-642 | 2-166 | +1 | | | | | | | 166 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Zea mays]
gb|AFW58098.1| | 148 | 251 | 6e-74 | 145-672 | 158-336 | +1 | | | | | | | 834 | hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_790961 [Zea mays]
ref|XP_008664142.1| | 143 | 249 | 8e-79 | 145-672 | 3-181 | +1 | | | | | | | 262 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Zea mays]
ref|XP_010484826.1| | 144 | 245 | 3e-78 | 121-651 | 11-187 | +1 | | | | | | | 188 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Camelina sativa]
ref|XP_002524150.1| | 155 | 211 | 7e-65 | 136-531 | 40-171 | +1 | | | | | | | 187 | conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis] gb|EEF38261.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis]
gb|AFW78151.1| | 157 | 194 | 6e-58 | 145-579 | 8-150 | +1 | | | | | | | 228 | hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_509739 [Zea mays]
gb|AFW75519.1| | 159 | 194 | 4e-56 | 145-534 | 8-135 | +1 | | | | | | | 352 | hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_377666 [Zea mays]
ref|XP_002186390.1| | 162 | 190 | 1e-54 | 142-678 | 30-223 | +1 | | | | | | | 371 | predicted protein [Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCAP 1055/1] gb|ACI65860.1| predicted protein [Phaeodactylum tricornutum CC
ref|XP_011401173.1| | 163 | 186 | 7e-54 | 136-678 | 1-193 | +1 | | | | | | | 295 | Glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase YqjG [Auxenochlorella protothecoides] gb|KFM28160.1| Glutathionyl-hydroquinone reduc
ref|XP_004960464.1| | 171 | 172 | 1e-48 | 346-678 | 126-236 | +1 | | | | | | | 306 | PREDICTED: glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2-like isoform X2 [Setaria italica]
gb|ETP39368.1| | 174 | 171 | 1e-47 | 142-678 | 1-193 | +1 | | | | | | | 338 | hypothetical protein F442_13155 [Phytophthora parasitica P10297]
gb|AFU73938.1| | 175 | 171 | 2e-47 | 151-678 | 13-188 | +1 | | | | | | | 339 | intracellular chlorid channel-like protein [Crithidia mellificae]
gb|EJK55900.1| | 182 | 171 | 5e-47 | 127-669 | 40-238 | +1 | | | | | | | 387 | hypothetical protein THAOC_24307 [Thalassiosira oceanica]
ref|XP_007366693.1| | 176 | 170 | 2e-47 | 178-678 | 21-179 | +1 | | | | | | | 319 | glutathione S-transferase [Dichomitus squalens LYAD-421 SS1] gb|EJF60554.1| glutathione S-transferase [Dichomitus squale
gb|ETK81519.1| | 178 | 170 | 4e-47 | 142-678 | 1-193 | +1 | | | | | | | 338 | hypothetical protein L915_12982 [Phytophthora parasitica]
ref|XP_008894240.1| | 179 | 170 | 4e-47 | 142-678 | 1-193 | +1 | | | | | | | 338 | hypothetical protein PPTG_03313 [Phytophthora parasitica INRA-310] gb|ETL34930.1| hypothetical protein L916_12884 [Phyto
ref|XP_011117570.1| | 183 | 170 | 5e-47 | 169-678 | 53-217 | +1 | | | | | | | 361 | hypothetical protein AOL_s00004g619 [Arthrobotrys oligospora ATCC 24927] gb|EGX53960.1| hypothetical protein AOL_s00004
gb|ETO70121.1| | 181 | 169 | 5e-47 | 142-678 | 1-193 | +1 | | | | | | | 338 | hypothetical protein F444_13363 [Phytophthora parasitica P1976]
gb|AIL25486.1| | 187 | 168 | 3e-46 | 175-669 | 55-217 | +1 | | | | | | | 371 | GSTN-22 [Exophiala pisciphila]
emb|CCA38668.1| | 184 | 167 | 1e-46 | 169-675 | 11-176 | +1 | | | | | | | 319 | putative glutathione S-transferase [Komagataella pastoris CBS 7435]
ref|XP_002491210.1| | 185 | 167 | 2e-46 | 169-675 | 25-190 | +1 | | | | | | | 333 | Omega class glutathione transferase [Komagataella pastoris GS115] emb|CAY68930.1| Omega class glutathione transferase [K
ref|XP_003033908.1| | 186 | 167 | 3e-46 | 163-678 | 12-179 | +1 | | | | | | | 319 | hypothetical protein SCHCODRAFT_75425 [Schizophyllum commune H4-8] gb|EFI99005.1| hypothetical protein SCHCODRAFT_75425
gb|KIJ36733.1| | 188 | 167 | 4e-46 | 166-678 | 12-174 | +1 | | | | | | | 316 | hypothetical protein M422DRAFT_178948 [Sphaerobolus stellatus SS14] gb|KIJ36737.1| hypothetical protein M422DRAFT_17897
gb|ESW96440.1| | 190 | 166 | 1e-45 | 178-678 | 16-177 | +1 | | | | | | | 326 | Glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Ogataea parapolymorpha DL-1]
ref|XP_011108274.1| | 192 | 166 | 2e-45 | 169-678 | 51-215 | +1 | | | | | | | 359 | hypothetical protein H072_2287 [Dactylellina haptotyla CBS 200.50] gb|EPS43708.1| hypothetical protein H072_2287 [Dactyl
gb|KEF55719.1| | 194 | 166 | 2e-45 | 175-669 | 48-210 | +1 | | | | | | | 364 | ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 [Exophiala aquamarina CBS 119918]
gb|KDD75622.1| | 199 | 166 | 3e-45 | 148-648 | 84-262 | +1 | | | | | | | 400 | hypothetical protein H632_c587p0, partial [Helicosporidium sp. ATCC 50920]
gb|KIO25068.1| | 191 | 165 | 1e-45 | 169-675 | 18-180 | +1 | | | | | | | 321 | hypothetical protein M407DRAFT_76222 [Tulasnella calospora MUT 4182]
gb|KIN00573.1| | 195 | 165 | 2e-45 | 169-678 | 19-187 | +1 | | | | | | | 335 | hypothetical protein OIDMADRAFT_165197 [Oidiodendron maius Zn]
ref|XP_002616525.1| | 196 | 165 | 2e-45 | 178-678 | 15-183 | +1 | | | | | | | 328 | hypothetical protein CLUG_03766 [Clavispora lusitaniae ATCC 42720] gb|EEQ39638.1| hypothetical protein CLUG_03766 [Clavi
emb|CEI89949.1| | 197 | 165 | 2e-45 | 151-672 | 8-175 | +1 | | | | | | | 326 | Putative Glutathione S-transferase [Rhizopus microsporus]
gb|AII73563.1| | 200 | 165 | 3e-45 | 67-672 | 31-215 | +1 | | | | | | | 356 | glutathione S-transferase omega 1 [Volvariella volvacea]
gb|KIW82307.1| | 201 | 165 | 6e-45 | 169-678 | 51-218 | +1 | | | | | | | 372 | hypothetical protein Z517_05334 [Fonsecaea pedrosoi CBS 271.37]
gb|KIV87664.1| | 203 | 165 | 7e-45 | 46-675 | 7-218 | +1 | | | | | | | 373 | hypothetical protein, variant [Exophiala sideris]
emb|CDO71114.1| | 241 | 165 | 1e-43 | 124-678 | 307-486 | +1 | | | | | | | 626 | hypothetical protein BN946_scf184844.g118 [Trametes cinnabarina]
gb|KDQ08593.1| | 198 | 164 | 3e-45 | 169-678 | 11-172 | +1 | | | | | | | 313 | hypothetical protein BOTBODRAFT_118302 [Botryobasidium botryosum FD-172 SS1]
ref|WP_015320589.1| | 204 | 164 | 7e-45 | 151-678 | 12-176 | +1 | | | | | | | 335 | putative glutathione S-transferase [Natronococcus occultus] ref|YP_007308929.1| putative glutathione S-transferase [Natr
gb|KIW33894.1| | 205 | 164 | 7e-45 | 169-678 | 47-214 | +1 | | | | | | | 367 | hypothetical protein PV07_00709 [Cladophialophora immunda]
ref|XP_003653420.1| | 208 | 164 | 1e-44 | 175-672 | 25-191 | +1 | | | | | | | 350 | hypothetical protein THITE_2144537 [Thielavia terrestris NRRL 8126] gb|AEO67084.1| hypothetical protein THITE_2144537 [
gb|KIX08427.1| | 209 | 164 | 2e-44 | 175-675 | 57-221 | +1 | | | | | | | 373 | hypothetical protein Z518_03083 [Rhinocladiella mackenziei CBS 650.93]
gb|EWG45535.1| | 210 | 164 | 2e-44 | 55-678 | 36-246 | +1 | | | | | | | 398 | glutathione S-transferase [Fusarium verticillioides 7600]
gb|EXK31941.1| | 216 | 164 | 2e-44 | 10-678 | 13-237 | +1 | | | | | | | 389 | glutathione S-transferase [Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis 26406]
gb|KIV87663.1| | 219 | 164 | 3e-44 | 175-675 | 81-245 | +1 | | | | | | | 400 | hypothetical protein PV11_03195 [Exophiala sideris]
gb|EIE88978.1| | 193 | 163 | 2e-45 | 142-672 | 20-190 | +1 | | | | | | | 258 | hypothetical protein RO3G_13689 [Rhizopus delemar RA 99-880]
gb|KIJ11192.1| | 202 | 163 | 7e-45 | 163-678 | 14-177 | +1 | | | | | | | 317 | hypothetical protein PAXINDRAFT_138020 [Paxillus involutus ATCC 200175]
ref|WP_012568529.1| | 206 | 163 | 8e-45 | 160-678 | 15-176 | +1 | | | | | | | 323 | glutathione S-transferase [Rhodospirillum centenum] gb|ACJ00751.1| transferase, putative [Rhodospirillum centenum SW]
emb|CEP14431.1| | 207 | 163 | 1e-44 | 169-675 | 19-181 | +1 | | | | | | | 324 | hypothetical protein [Parasitella parasitica]
ref|XP_005835017.1| | 212 | 163 | 2e-44 | 151-678 | 11-196 | +1 | | | | | | | 350 | hypothetical protein GUITHDRAFT_68997 [Guillardia theta CCMP2712] gb|EKX48037.1| hypothetical protein GUITHDRAFT_68997 [
ref|XP_003660743.1| | 213 | 163 | 2e-44 | 175-672 | 25-191 | +1 | | | | | | | 353 | hypothetical protein MYCTH_2299397 [Myceliophthora thermophila ATCC 42464] gb|AEO55498.1| hypothetical protein MYCTH_22
gb|EWY96523.1| | 221 | 163 | 4e-44 | 10-678 | 21-245 | +1 | | | | | | | 397 | glutathione S-transferase [Fusarium oxysporum FOSC 3-a]
gb|EXL59938.1| | 224 | 163 | 5e-44 | 10-678 | 21-245 | +1 | | | | | | | 397 | glutathione S-transferase [Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici 26381]
gb|EPB84253.1| | 211 | 162 | 2e-44 | 169-672 | 20-181 | +1 | | | | | | | 325 | glutathione S-transferase [Mucor circinelloides f. circinelloides 1006PhL]
ref|WP_023433340.1| | 214 | 162 | 2e-44 | 160-678 | 15-179 | +1 | | | | | | | 326 | Glutathione S-transferase, omega [Lutibaculum baratangense] gb|ESR23153.1| Glutathione S-transferase, omega [Lutibaculum
ref|XP_007298800.1| | 215 | 162 | 2e-44 | 148-678 | 11-180 | +1 | | | | | | | 320 | glutathione S-transferase [Stereum hirsutum FP-91666 SS1] gb|EIM92344.1| glutathione S-transferase [Stereum hirsutum FP-
gb|EWC48695.1| | 217 | 162 | 3e-44 | 169-678 | 12-176 | +1 | | | | | | | 320 | glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Drechslerella stenobrocha 248]
tpe|CBF86316.1| | 218 | 162 | 3e-44 | 175-675 | 28-192 | +1 | | | | | | | 344 | TPA: glutathione S-transferase (Eurofung) [Aspergillus nidulans FGSC A4]
ref|XP_007810317.1| | 222 | 162 | 4e-44 | 175-669 | 21-185 | +1 | | | | | | | 342 | hypothetical protein MAC_03977 [Metarhizium acridum CQMa 102] gb|EFY89995.1| hypothetical protein MAC_03977 [Metarhizium
gb|KIV93424.1| | 234 | 162 | 8e-44 | 175-669 | 51-213 | +1 | | | | | | | 371 | hypothetical protein PV10_04637 [Exophiala mesophila]
gb|KIW64032.1| | 235 | 162 | 9e-44 | 175-678 | 57-222 | +1 | | | | | | | 378 | hypothetical protein PV04_08993 [Capronia semiimmersa]
gb|EGU79159.1| | 242 | 162 | 1e-43 | 169-678 | 86-255 | +1 | | | | | | | 407 | hypothetical protein FOXB_10319 [Fusarium oxysporum Fo5176]
gb|EXL59937.1| | 245 | 162 | 2e-43 | 169-678 | 94-263 | +1 | | | | | | | 415 | glutathione S-transferase [Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici 26381]
gb|KIJ61581.1| | 220 | 161 | 4e-44 | 163-678 | 17-180 | +1 | | | | | | | 320 | hypothetical protein HYDPIDRAFT_96315 [Hydnomerulius pinastri MD-312]
gb|EMD35648.1| | 223 | 161 | 5e-44 | 151-678 | 11-180 | +1 | | | | | | | 320 | hypothetical protein CERSUDRAFT_85607 [Ceriporiopsis subvermispora B]
gb|EWZ41647.1| | 226 | 161 | 5e-44 | 169-678 | 15-184 | +1 | | | | | | | 336 | glutathione S-transferase [Fusarium oxysporum Fo47] gb|EXA01256.1| glutathione S-transferase [Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
gb|EXA48093.1| | 227 | 161 | 5e-44 | 169-678 | 15-184 | +1 | | | | | | | 336 | glutathione S-transferase [Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi HDV247]
gb|ESA09012.1| | 228 | 161 | 5e-44 | 169-678 | 16-178 | +1 | | | | | | | 324 | hypothetical protein GLOINDRAFT_40591 [Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM 181602]
gb|EXK92540.1| | 229 | 161 | 5e-44 | 169-678 | 15-184 | +1 | | | | | | | 336 | glutathione S-transferase [Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. raphani 54005]
gb|KID97098.1| | 230 | 161 | 6e-44 | 175-672 | 21-186 | +1 | | | | | | | 342 | ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 1, partial [Metarhizium majus ARSEF 297]
gb|KIM70639.1| | 231 | 161 | 6e-44 | 166-678 | 18-181 | +1 | | | | | | | 321 | hypothetical protein SCLCIDRAFT_100395 [Scleroderma citrinum Foug A]
gb|KIO14278.1| | 232 | 161 | 6e-44 | 163-678 | 17-181 | +1 | | | | | | | 321 | hypothetical protein M404DRAFT_121423 [Pisolithus tinctorius Marx 270]
gb|EMT60471.1| | 233 | 161 | 7e-44 | 169-678 | 33-202 | +1 | | | | | | | 354 | Glutathione S-transferase omega-like 2 [Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4] gb|ENH68991.1| Glutathione S-transfer
ref|XP_009153237.1| | 236 | 161 | 1e-43 | 175-669 | 45-207 | +1 | | | | | | | 361 | glutathione S-transferase [Exophiala dermatitidis NIH/UT8656] gb|EHY52776.1| glutathione S-transferase [Exophiala dermat
gb|KID86482.1| | 237 | 161 | 1e-43 | 175-672 | 21-186 | +1 | | | | | | | 342 | ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 1 [Metarhizium guizhouense ARSEF 977]
gb|EXX56228.1| | 243 | 161 | 1e-43 | 169-678 | 59-221 | +1 | | | | | | | 367 | Ecm4p [Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM 197198w]
gb|KIK96644.1| | 247 | 161 | 2e-43 | 163-678 | 70-233 | +1 | | | | | | | 373 | hypothetical protein PAXRUDRAFT_825741 [Paxillus rubicundulus Ve08.2h10]
emb|CCM00635.1| | 249 | 161 | 2e-43 | 151-678 | 51-220 | +1 | | | | | | | 380 | predicted protein [Fibroporia radiculosa]
ref|WP_026912493.1| | 238 | 160 | 1e-43 | 163-678 | 7-170 | +1 | | | | | | | 312 | hypothetical protein [Patulibacter minatonensis]
gb|EIF45849.1| | 239 | 160 | 1e-43 | 163-678 | 4-168 | +1 | | | | | | | 315 | extracellular matrix protein 4 [Brettanomyces bruxellensis AWRI1499]
ref|XP_007400758.1| | 240 | 160 | 1e-43 | 130-678 | 5-187 | +1 | | | | | | | 326 | hypothetical protein PHACADRAFT_200431 [Phanerochaete carnosa HHB-10118-sp] gb|EKM50486.1| hypothetical protein PHACADR
ref|WP_028465537.1| | 244 | 160 | 1e-43 | 160-678 | 15-177 | +1 | | | | | | | 324 | hypothetical protein [Nisaea denitrificans]
ref|XP_007823201.2| | 248 | 160 | 2e-43 | 175-672 | 21-186 | +1 | | | | | | | 342 | glutathione S-transferase [Metarhizium robertsii ARSEF 23] gb|EXU96836.1| glutathione S-transferase [Metarhizium roberts
gb|KIP06455.1| | 250 | 160 | 2e-43 | | | | | | | | | | 331 | hypothetical protein PHLGIDRAFT_19431 [Phlebiopsis gigantea 11061_1 CR5-6]
dbj|GAN01653.1| | 246 | 159 | 2e-43 | 169-675 | 20-182 | +1 | | | | | | | 312 | glutathione S-transferase [Mucor ambiguus]
emb|CDX98646.1| | 225 | 155 | 5e-44 | 124-402 | 24-116 | +1 | | | | | | | 120 | BnaA03g44310D [Brassica napus]
ref|XP_008657253.1| | 145 | 8 | 248 | | | | | | | | | | 275 | PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC103636678 [Zea mays]
emb|CCA15659.1| | | | | | | | 163 | e | 283 | | | | 827 | glutathione Stransferase omegalike protein putative [Albugo laibachii Nc14] emb|CCA16277.1| glutathione Stransferase om